We’ve all experienced the unpleasant sensation that goes along with biting our tongues, but the positive (if there is a positive to something so painful) is that we can usually identify how we did it. However, there are some people who experience the annoying aftermath of tongue biting and have no idea how it even… Read More
Dry mouth is an uncomfortable feeling that all of us experience occasionally. But living with a chronically dry mouth isn’t just uncomfortable, it’s unhealthy too. At my Kettering dental office, we wanted to examine the top causes of dry mouth, why it’s so concerning, and ways to combat it for healthy, happy mouth. Why Is… Read More
By now you’ve probably at least heard of oil pulling, but perhaps you’re unsure as to what exactly it is, how it’s supposed to help your oral health, and if it actually works. Don’t worry, my dental office in Kettering is here to help. We’ve looked into the now popular technique and we’ve got some… Read More
When patients visit my dental office in Kettering, we make it a priority to go out of our way to make sure they feel like they’re part of our family. I truly enjoy helping patients achieve and maintain a healthy smile, while feeling comfortable and at ease. I’ve compiled a list of just a few… Read More
With the holidays just around the corner, there are going to be tempting foods and beverages hitting the dinner table and gracing party spreads. This can pose a real challenge with patients who rely on full or partial dentures. My Kettering dental office knows that some foods (no matter how tempting) just don’t mesh well… Read More
Toothbrushes aren’t meant to last forever. The brushing that you do to keep your smile looking great can really take a toll on your toothbrush. My dental office in Kettering wants to remind patients using a brush with frayed, worn-out bristles that it may be time for a change. Make the Change. Worn out brushes… Read More
When we’re on the go, it’s easy to grab a beverage from the nearest fast food restaurant or convenience store. My dental office in Kettering wants to talk about an important, handy accessory that commonly comes with these to-go drinks – the straw. How Can Straws Help Teeth? It might seem strange that a bendable… Read More
It used to be incredibly common to lose teeth as we grow older. But thanks to advancements in dental technology, that’s really not the case anymore. According to the American Dental Association (ADA), Americans are keeping their own, natural teeth longer than ever. However, at my Kettering dental office, we know that the longer we… Read More
Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease that causes those affected to have an adverse reaction to gluten. When these individuals eat foods containing gluten, their bodies don’t allow proper absorption and damage to the small intestine can occur. Most commonly, symptoms of celiac disease are found in the gastrointestinal tract. However, at my Kettering dental… Read More
When you have a toothache, all you want to do is make it go away. At my Kettering dental office, we’re always willing to help ease your toothache pain, but what can you do if a toothache strikes when you’re on vacation or when we aren’t open? What is a Toothache? Toothaches can be caused… Read More